24/7 Emergency Response
Colic & Gastrointestinal Issues
Signs of colic include: curling the upper lip, turning and watching the flank, kicking at the belly, pawing, lying down, rolling, anorexia, an elevated pulse, depression and reduced digestive sounds.
Colic is one of the most common equine emergencies that we see in our practice. Most cases of colic can be managed medically however all cases of colic should be taken seriously. Colic refers to a painful problem in the horses abdomen (belly) but not all colic’s involve the digestive system.
Equine Injuries
If your horse becomes injured for any reason we are equipped to help you with the problem. Cuts/Lacerations, eye injuries, puncture wounds, muscle and tendon injuries are all very common. Please do not hesitate to call us with any concerns you would like addressed.